E-shop Development for Small Businesses

Δημιουργία eshop

E-commerce has gained a very large market share in retail and wholesale and a company with an attractive and efficient e-shop has the power:

  • to provide 24-hour service to its customers, 365 days a year
  • have great flexibility in managing its products or services
  • to employ a small and specialized staff for its management
  • to provide a blog with informative and useful articles that complement the services or products provided by the e-shop
  • to communicate quickly any offers on its products or services
  • to offer the possibility of market analysis to the e-shop manager, utilizing the purchasing behavior of consumers
  • to constantly acquire new customers, as the e-shop is optimized and appears in the first places of the search engines.

In the context of strengthening entrepreneurship, the financing program through the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF), subsidizes 100% the creation of e-shops for retail stores, with the total budget of the project reaching 80.000.000 euros, with a maximum grant amount of 5.000 euros per business.

Future Cooperation, having many years of experience in the management of innovative technologies and having specialized staff and partners in the field of Digital Marketing, Informatics and Web Design, undertakes the construction of high-quality e-shops, with special attention to detail and unique design, like any business participating in the NSRF program.

 Regarding the development of e-shop, the company provides the following services to its customers:

  • Adaptation of the corporate and product identity of the company with the design of the e-shop pages
  • Opening pages that interest the customer
  • Creation of an easy management system in the addition – removal of products, order management and customers
  • Placement and multiple product categorization
  • Installation of navigation filters in order for the customer to easily find the product he is looking for
  • Create a complex product search option within the e-shop
  • Presentation of selected products-services on the main page and on the home page of each product-service category of the e-shop
  • Member-customer registration process (Sign In)
  • Shopping Basket and ability of the customer to see his card and the history of his orders
  • Installation of SSL security protocol.
  • Staff training in the operation and management of the e-shop
  • Customer shopping process design in the e-shop: placement of purchase buttons, check out payments, thank you pages.
Learn everything through the e-shop construction guide of Future Cooperation!
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