Complete Solutions for "Smart Cities" in Greece
The idea of the “Smart Cities” application in Greece includes a series of processes according to which cities now pass into the total digital age resulting in becoming sustainable, evolving, aiming to simplify and upgrade the quality of citizens’ life as well as to be environmentally friendly.
Smart Cities are characterized by the dynamic and continuous development of various processes to more effectively address the modern challenges and problems that the Municipality need to solve daily, through the use of various digital technologies.
The program of development and solidarity of the local government “Antonis Tritsis” which refers to the implementation of Smart Cities, is the effectuation of a comprehensive strategic plan of development perspective and social solidarity through the bodies of local government.
More over, the program includes axes and actions that concern, among others, the information of the citizens (information and communication technologies), the effective management and monitoring of the Environment, the optimal management of infrastructures and projects in the Municipality etc.
Within the framework of the ΄΄Tritsis Program΄΄ and the axis that concerns the Transport sector and its infrastructures, Future Cooperation has undertaken the consulting guidance of many Municipalities in Greece, in order to develop the electromobility.
The company plays a leading role in the total digital transformation of Local Government Organizations into Smart Cities as it provides:
- full range of pure and hybrid electric vehicles from leading manufacturers, covering all their needs(passenger cars, garbage trucks, small trucks, public transport, etc.)
- financing of equipment related to parking, charging stations and the management platform of electric vehicles.
- after sales service of the Municipality (software upgrades, technical training, availability of spare parts).
Learn more about the “Smart Cities” project and the Electromobility, through the guide of Future Cooperation!